

aberrantBlood?: IRGB
aberrantLoot?: ICreatureLoot[]
aberrantWeight: number
acceptedItems?: (ItemType | ItemTypeGroup)[]
aiMasks?: IAiMaskChance[]
allowedCommands?: AiType[]

If set, creature will only listen to certain commands.

alwaysAllowCommands?: boolean

When true, the player will always be able to command the creature, regardless of their taming skill.

blood?: IRGB
canOpenDoors?: boolean

True if the creature can open doors

canTrample?: boolean
causesStatus?: (StatusType | [status: StatusType, level: number])[]
chanceOfScarecrowScare?: number

The chance (for example, 0.25) it will be scared from a scarecrow (in a radius) when moving minus how close it is to the scarecrow (calculated in checkCreatureMove). If set to 1, it will never move close to a scarecrow when visible to it. All creatures will never spawn in the radius of a scarecrow regardless of this value.

damageOnPour?: boolean

If true, creature takes damage when you pour water/milk on it

damageType: DamageType
defense: Defense
despawnInDayLight?: boolean

Despawn the creature when it's day in the overworld

disableHitching?: boolean
doesSpecialAbilityOnKill?: boolean

If true, creature will perform their special ability when killing a player or NPC with a bypass

extraDespawnChance?: number

Extra chance for random despawns

fishable?: boolean
group?: Golem[]

Only used for golems currently, but we should use this for all true/false properties for creatures probably

hasProduce?: true | ((creature: default) => number)

If true, this creature will get the "produce" stat. If it's a function, the result value will be the change timer.

helpPlants?: boolean
idleChanceMultiplier?: SupplierOr<undefined | number, [default, number]>

A multiplier for the chance the creature has to start idling (while wandering)

isTall?: boolean
jumpOver?: boolean
lightColor?: IRGB
lightSource?: boolean
loot?: ICreatureLoot[]
lootGroup?: LootGroupType
makeNoise?: boolean
maxatk: number
maxhp: number
minatk: number
minhp: number

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

moveType: MoveType
noCage?: boolean

If set to true, they cannot be caged.

noCorpse?: boolean
noPuddles?: boolean

If true, this creature will not create puddles when walking in water.

noShadow?: boolean

When a flying MoveType is set, by default, a shadow will appear under the creature, this will disable that feature when set to true;

noSpringForthMessage?: true
noStumble?: boolean
onAiChange?: ((creature: default, aiType: AiType, changeAiType: ChangeAiType) => void)

Type declaration

onDamaged?: ((creature: default, damageInfo: IDamageInfo, attackOutcome: number) => void)

Type declaration

    • (creature: default, damageInfo: IDamageInfo, attackOutcome: number): void
    • Called when the creature is damaged


      Returns void

onDeath?: ((creature: default, damageTile: default, damageInfo: IDamageInfo) => void)

Type declaration

onSpawn?: ((creature: default) => void)

Type declaration

    • (creature: default): void
    • Called when a creature is spawned


      Returns void

onStatChange?: ((creature: default, stat: IStat, oldValue: number, info: IStatChangeInfo<any>) => void)

Type declaration

particlesOnMove?: boolean
particlesOnSpawn?: boolean
passable?: boolean
pettingCausesBurns?: boolean

If true, creature burns you when you pet it

preventRelease?: boolean

Prevents release the creature from its tamed state

preventSpawnZs?: Set<WorldZ>

Prevents the creature from spawning for the provided WorldZ's

providesFire?: boolean
runeChance?: RuneChance

The deity associated with this creature, and the chance of receiving a rune for doing actions with it.

  • Initial Tame: Gives rune of this creature's deity
  • Kill: Gives rune of this creature's deity's enemy
skipMovementChance?: number

The chance that the creature should skip movement. 0 = never, 1 = always

slippingSpeed?: SlippingSpeed

If set, creatures can slip at this speed.

spawnAnimation?: boolean
spawnTiles: TileGroup
specialAbility?: ((creature: default, enemy: undefined | default | default<unknown, number, NPC | Player>, bypass?: boolean) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (creature: default, enemy: undefined | default | default<unknown, number, NPC | Player>, bypass?: boolean): boolean
    • Called when performing special abilities


      True when an ability was performed


      Returns boolean

specialAttack?: {
    doSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, enemy: default | default<unknown, number, NPC | Player>) => boolean);
    shouldSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number) => boolean);

Special attack stuff

Type declaration

  • doSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, enemy: default | default<unknown, number, NPC | Player>) => boolean)
  • shouldSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number) => boolean)
      • (creature: default, specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number): boolean
      • Called when checking if a special attack should be called


        True when special attack should be called


        • creature: default
        • specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number

        Returns boolean

speed?: number
stokingRestoresHealth?: boolean

If true, stoking restores the creatures hp a bit

tamingDifficulty?: number
teleportMovement?: boolean

True if the creature moves around by teleporting through time AND space

temperature?: number

The produced temperature of this object — objects whose temperature affects surrounding objects. A number between Temperature.Coldest and Temperature.Hottest. When not provided, Temperature.Neutral is used.

texOffsetY?: number
tileMissChance?: OptionalDescriptions<TileGroup, number>
wanderChanceMultiplier?: SupplierOr<undefined | number, [default, number]>

A multiplier for the chance the creature has to start wandering (while idling)

wanderNewDirectionChanceMultiplier?: SupplierOr<undefined | number, [default, number]>

A multiplier for the chance the creature has to choose a new direction to wander

waste?: IWaste
waterAnimations?: boolean
weight: number

The weight of the creature when placed inside a cage (or something else in the future?).

worth?: number

The merchant credit value/worth of a creature when contained in another item (bottles/cages/etc.)

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